OWN 1 Elementary School (Astoria)

OWN 1 Astoria Elementary
- Grades K-5
- 36-12 35th Avenue
- Astoria, NY 11106
- Phone: (718) 392-3405
- Fax: (347) 507-1628
- Email: info@owncs.org
- SPED Liaisons
- Mary Katsifarakis
- Special Education Manager
- (718) 392-3405 X 279
- mkatsifarakis@owncs.org
- Stephanie Rochman
- OWN 1 ES Assistant Principal/Director of Student Support Services
- (718) 392-3405 X 207
- sshilling@owncs.org
The school day for OWN 1 Elementary School students begins at 7:50 AM and ends at 3:00 PM.
The lottery will be on Monday, April 7th, 2025.

OWN Charter School is a fantastic place for young people to learn. Since our doors first opened in 2002, we have worked tirelessly to meet our goal of providing our diverse student body with an excellent education based on active inquiry, experiential learning, and social justice. We prepare our students to become independent thinkers and lifelong learners. I am so proud of the success and progress we have made so far, and no one is more aware than I of how integral the support and encouragement of the OWN community has been in helping us grow and improve each and every year.
Visit our school, especially during the Admissions Open Houses. Here you see the mission and philosophy brought to life. The faculty in both the Elementary and Middle Schools use activities that guide children toward knowledge through imaginative exploration and the mastery of skills.
OWN is proud of all we have accomplished with our students, parents, and community since our school opened in 2002. Together, we have established a culture of learning and academic success that we can be proud of.
Video Gallery

The Elementary School art program is designed to reach all students and offer them a broad range of experiences and activities. While supporting the New York State Standards for the Arts and the National Standards, art instruction is based on the elements and principles of art. Students are exposed to creative opportunities in various mediums and areas of self-expression, enriched further with art history and the works of accomplished artists. Students learn how to identify, analyze, and select subject matter. Students learn to critique and assess their own work as well as the work of others. The art program is an integral part of the elementary interdisciplinary curriculum and plays a significant role in community activities. Student artwork is exhibited and celebrated in our annual Spring Arts Festival. All student artwork is added to personal online interactive portfolios created in Kindergarten and remains active through 8th grade.
The Film Program at the Elementary School includes students in grades 3-5. The focus is on visual storytelling. Throughout the year, students learn the elements of good storytelling techniques through the study of film examples. Students learn film vocabulary, including basic shot types, the use of various pieces of film equipment, and how to create scripts, storyboards, shot lists, and other essential pre-production documents. As the students get older, they have more opportunities to develop their own film projects. Students also learn the many different roles in the film industry. Whenever possible, we take field trips to film festivals, the Museum of the Moving Image, and other opportunities that may arise in this thriving, film-producing city.
Foreign Language
- Spanish Classes begin in Kindergarten
“If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales. If you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales.”
― Albert Einstein
A major component of the OWNCS Library program is to instill an appreciation and love of reading.
Elementary School students have weekly library classes during which they learn a variety of library skills, including:
- how to choose a book based on interest and reading level
- difference between fiction and nonfiction
- proper care of books and material
- how libraries are organized
- how to use our computer catalog
- research and citation skills
- online searching skills and strategies
- how to evaluate sources (both text and online)
- digital literacy and citizenship
Elementary School students are exposed to many different genres of music and types of instruments. The curriculum focuses on music theory, including note values and placement on the treble and bass clefs. Students also learn about rhythm and develop tools to create rhythmic patterns on their own. Students perform vocally at annual events, such as the Spring Arts Festival, and begin learning how to play recorder flutes.
Physical Education
The Physical Education Curriculum is designed to meet the needs of the K-5 students with a varied, age-appropriate, and challenging curriculum. The units are sequenced and kept short to maximize interest and participation. Fundamental skill development is emphasized at all grade levels and in all units. From the primary students' fundamental movement and physical skills to the more involved skills, games, and sports concepts of the intermediate grades, knowledge of the benefits and the enjoyment of physical activity is taught and reinforced in each class. The social, emotional, and character traits necessary to be successful and a good community citizen are taught and repeated from the first class. Safety factors relative to physical activity are constantly stressed. Personal and social responsibility, self-directed learning, and problem-solving skills are also reinforced throughout the K-5 physical education curriculum.
Through various physical fitness activities and gameplay, students will learn how to improve their performance and sharpen their individual abilities.
The elementary STEAM course creates an engaging experience through project-based learning, guiding students through the engineering design process. With a focus on creativity, critical thinking, and collaboration, we empower students to explore Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics. Utilizing the esteemed Project Lead the Way Launch (PLTW) curriculum, our students delve into hands-on activities and real-world challenges, igniting their curiosity and fostering a passion for innovation.
At OWNCS, we are working toward seamless integration of technology and curriculum: students using technology daily, and having access to a variety of tools that match the learning task at hand -- tools that increase engagement, lead to a deeper understanding of content, and open the door to innovation and creativity.
When effectively integrated into the curriculum, technology can extend learning in significant ways. Students have greater access to the primary source material and more engaging multimedia content. They gain facility in digital methods of collecting and analyzing data. Students experience creating, editing, publishing, and presenting their work in new and authentic ways to a broader audience. They are given new opportunities to interact and collaborate with others (peers, teachers, and experts) outside the classroom walls.
Each student in Grade K-5 is provided with an iPad to be used in school. Classrooms are equipped with Interactive Whiteboards. We are a Google Suite for Education school, ensuring that our students are proficient in the most current core productivity tools and Google Classroom. We also offer many online resources that provide regular opportunities to practice and apply academic and technical skills. Our teachers are encouraged to use technology creatively to enrich learning in their classrooms; their efforts are celebrated in our Technology Integration Spotlight.
Teacher Websites
School Leadership Team
Christopher Palmisano
- Interim Assistant Principal
- cpalmisano@owncs.org
- (718) 392-3405 x102
Stephanie Rochman
- Interim Principal/Director of Student Support Services
- srochman@owncs.org
- (718) 392-3405 x101
Sean Savage
- Operations Manager
- ssavage@owncs.org
- (718) 392-3405 x103
Faculty & Staff Directory
Rebecca Ansman
- 4th Grade Teacher
- ransman@owncs.org
- (718) 392-3405 x232
Natalie Antunovic
- Art Teacher
- nantunovic@owncs.org
- (718) 392-3405 x216
Rosemarie Barrios
- Kindergarten Teacher
- rbarrios@owncs.org
- (718) 392-3405 x212
Agnes Bo
- Teaching Assistant
- abo@owncs.org
- (718) 392-3405
Kaila Browning
- 3rd Grade Teacher
- kbrowning@owncs.org
- (718) 392-3405
Jacqueline Camacho
- Kindergarten Teacher
- jcamacho@owncs.org
- (718) 392-3405
Melissa Chen
- 3rd Grade Teacher
- mchen@owncs.org
- (718) 392-3405
Sara Coluccio
- 2nd Grade Teacher
- scoluccio@owncs.org
- (718) 392-3405 x262
Karina Dauernheim
- Teaching Assistant
- kdauernheim@owncs.org
- (718) 392-3405
Mina Deljanin
- Teaching Assistant
- mdeljanin@owncs.org
- (718) 392-3405
Sara Ferguson
- 1st Grade Teacher
- saferguson@owncs.org
- (718) 392-3405
Jamie Fishman
- 5th Grade Teacher
- jfishman@owncs.org
- (718) 392-3405
Joshua Fox
- Film Teacher
- jfox@owncs.org
- (718) 392-3405 x135
Antonija Glavan-Reyes
- 2nd Grade Teacher
- aglavanreyes@owncs.org
- (718) 392-3405 x292
Hillary Godinez
- 1st Grade Teaching Assistant
- hgodinez@owncs.org
- (718) 392-3405
Monica Guridis
- Literacy/Instructional Coach/IB/PYP Coordinator
- mguridis@owncs.org
- (718) 392-3405 x136
Karima Habous
- 3rd Grade Teacher
- khabous@owncs.org
- (718) 392-3405 x283
Martha Hache
- 5th Grade Teacher
- mhache@owncs.org
- (718) 392-3405
Tamanna Haque
- Social Worker
- thaque@owncs.org
- (718) 392-3405 x106
Susannah Henry
- Kindergarten Teaching Assistant
- sghenry@owncs.org
- (718) 392-3405
Yun Hong, RN
- School Nurse
- esnurse@owncs.org
- (718) 392-3405 x105
Jasmine Jahangir
- 1st Grade Teacher
- jjahangir@owncs.org
- (718) 392-3405 x229
Alexandra Kalaitzidis
- SETTS Teacher
- akalaitzidis@owncs.org
- (718) 392-3405
Mary Katsifarakis
- Speech Language Pathologist / Special Education Manager
- mkatsifarakis@owncs.org
- (718) 392-3405 x279
Noah Kennedy
- 3rd Grade Teacher
- nkennedy@owncs.org
- (718) 392-3405
Hillary Kimball
- ENL Teacher (Grades K-2)
- hkimball@owncs.org
- (718) 392-3405 x254
Matthew Klinkert
- ENL Teacher (Grades 3-8)
- mklinkert@owncs.org
- (718) 392-3405 x228
Salma Kotob
- 2nd Grade Teacher
- skotob@owncs.org
- (718) 392-3405
Asya Kreyngold
- STEAM Teacher
- akreyngold@owncs.org
- (718) 392-3405
Lu Li
- Math Intervention Teacher
- lli@owncs.org
- (718) 392-3405 x253
Jessica Litt
- 1st Grade Teaching Assistant
- jlitt@owncs.org
- (718) 392-3405 x278
Janiya Llewellyn
- Kindergarten Teaching Assistant
- jllewellyn@owncs.org
- (718) 392-3405
Erika Matei
- Music Teacher
- ematei@owncs.org
- (718) 392-3405
Barrie McIntyre
- Reading Specialist
- bmcintyre@owncs.org
- (718) 392-3405 x227
David Montes
- Spanish Teacher dmontes@owncs.org
- (718) 392-3405
Kaitlyn Okvist
- 4th Grade Teacher
- kokvist@owncs.org
- (718) 392-3405 x299
Jayme Pabon
- Instructional Coach/Testing Coordinator
- jpabon@owncs.org
- (718) 392-3405 x280
Carmina Perryman
- Kindergarten Teaching Assistant
- cperryman@owncs.org
- (718) 392-3405
Khayli Petigny
- 5th Grade Teacher
- kpetigny@owncs.org
- (718) 392-3405
Johnson Pun
- Kindergarten Teacher
- jpun@owncs.org
- (718) 392-3405 x277
Jose Sanchez-Pacheco
- Admin Clerk & Food Coordinator
- jsanchezpacheco@owncs.org
- (718) 392-3405 x217
Matthew Seiden
- Physical Education Teacher
- mseiden@owncs.org
- (718) 392-3405 x238
Irene Skouloudis
- Teacher Assistant
- iskouloudis@owncs.org
- (718) 392-3405
Dimitra Stephanides
- Reading Specialist
- dstephanides@owncs.org
- (718) 392-3405 x224
Michelle Stone
- 4th Grade Teacher
- mstone@owncs.org
- (718) 392-3405 x291
Nispa Sultana
- Teaching Assistant
- nsultana@owncs.org
- (718) 392-3405
Reena Varghese
- 4th Grade Teacher
- rvarghese@owncs.org
- (718) 392-3405
Knowel Willhight
- 2nd Grade Teacher
- kwillhight@owncs.org
- (718) 392-3405
Alyssa Young
- 1st Grade Teacher
- ayoung@owncs.org
- (718) 392-3405 x285
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Our World Neighborhood Charter Schools
Our World Neighborhood Charter Schools educate students to become independent thinkers and lifelong learners.